Our Method
Over our 10+ years of experience, we have developed the most efficient ways of disposing of hazardous waste. Our model closely resembles what is commonly called the ‘waste hierarchy’. In the most basic terms, this means that we aim to send zero waste to landfill.
tonnes of waste managed a year!
going into recycling operations!
Waste reduction is a key component of our method. This can be achieved through better stock control, rework or by making the products available to other parties for use.
A Waste Management Contract can help with these issues: an ongoing audit process introduces a different ‘set of eyes’ for identification of issues and suggested improvements, often at a minimal expense. WestChem offer this service as a matter of course as we see it as the way forward in waste reduction.
A free first site visit is only a click away.
Waste Hierarchy
We use the Waste Hierarchy to help us decide on the best possible outcome for particular waste. We start at the top with the most desirable outcome and work towards the bottom, which is the least desirable.
- Prevention – Using less material in design and manufacture. Keeping products for longer; re use. Using less hazardous materials.
- Re-use – Checking, cleaning, repairing, refurbishing, whole items or spare parts.
- Recycling – Turning waste into a new substance or product. Includes composting if it meets quality protocols.
- Other Recovery – Includes anaerobic digestion, incineration with energy recovery, gasification and pyrolysis which produce energy (fuels, heat and power) and materials from waste; some backfilling.
- Disposal – Landfill and incineration without energy recovery.